Monday, April 25, 2011

Gears of Wars 3 beta

So I just had a quick jaunt through the Gears of War 3 beta. I didn't actually have a beta code but someone I know did, so I logged onto to their Xbox.

Graphics are pretty nice and of course the 'roady run' will be very familiar. It still has the basic mechanics that people have always loved about Gears multiplayer.

I have never been a fan of the Gears of War multiplayer. I know, I know, blasphemy, but it's true. Maybe they will have fixed some of the things I have always found frustrating. It's too early to tell. Gears has always been famous for glitching and boosting. It's annoying. I really didn't get much play time either and I really wish I had my own code. I just can't pre-order right now because I have too many other things that have laid claim to my ready cash. Need plane tickets for 5 to San Diego in Nov, 17 yr old's graduation and prom, 17 yr old's first semester of textbooks in the fall, stuff for same kid's dorm room, oh and I am still raising someone else's kid without benefit of income. I am taking him and his twin brother out for haircuts tomorrow because their mom can't be bothered but they are getting in trouble at school for dress-code violations. ANYWAY, enough of my

At any rate, I am looking forward to it coming out because I want to play the campaign! I want to know what happens. I want, I want, I want.

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